Sometimes he cracks joke after joke. Then he grows more serious and makes on-point statements with his wit and intelligence. However, his charm and ability to entertain and provoke never waver. We talked with Okan Bayülgen about his TV career, the entertainment world, and his latest project, Richard.
Genel Yayın Yönetmeni: İrem Bakic & Selim Can Çelik
Dijital İçerikler Direktörü: Gökhan Oğuz Ünal
İçerik Editörü: Göze Arslan
Sosyal Medya Editörü: Sinem Durmaz
Styling: Melisa Cömert
Styling Asistanları: Zeynep Meral & Zehra Gülce
Saç&Makyaj: Onur Bayram
Prodüksiyon: Müge Sarıoğlu