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Fairy Tales For Adults: Momo Bebeköy

Momo Beach, one of the favorite venues in  eşme, “Momo Bebeköy” due to its location between Bebek and Arnavutköy. He was naturally influenced by “Momo”, the famous children’s book by Michael Ende. “Momo reminds people of making the most of time, of caring about each other, and of the importance of spending good time with people. Since our business is to make sure people have a great time and make valuable memories, I thought this name would be fitting,” he says on the newest addition to Istanbul’s culinary scene. He notes that their primary aim was to create a concept where people would relax and feel at home. Standing out with its cocktail menu, the venue’s must-try specialty is Momo Burger, made with slow-cooked ribs. Beşer’s favorite cocktail is “Positive Scandal”, which he says was named as a subtle joke to the zeitgeist.

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