The past eighteen months have had a significant impact on the beauty industry. The pandemic has paved the way for brands to revisit and re-evaluate their relationship with their customers, as well as the customers’ instore experience. Our changing needs have forced brands to rethink the way they do things in order to adapt to the “new normal”. In 2021, the return to more natural beauty and the quest for interior peace emerged as two of the top trends in beauty and wellness. Moreover, the demand for clinical, science-backed skincare has been at its highest. The health and wellbeing industries have seen a rapid digital growth, almost an explosion. Nowadays; technology, science, quality, formulation and personalisation are key if one wants to success in these industries.
As high-end brands, we are responding to customer needs, and ultimately “the relationship” with customers has become more important than ever. As small, niche brands are increasingly becoming powerful players, big brands started to follow in their footsteps. Smaller brands have a closer relationship with their customers, and as such they can respond quickly to changing need and trends. Skin Design London has always been about “customer love”; we believe that this is one of our most powerful assets. We launched Skin Design London because
we love and value our clients, and wanted to create the best in cosmeceuticals, formulation, quality, luxury glass packaging. Ultimately, achieving the best skin results has always been our foundation, and it drives our future and growth.
A rapid shift in edited routines, consumer values and expectations means that beauty brands have to evolve, listen, and understand their clients’ needs. Health and wellness are a priority but not a necessity. We are seeing more and more investment in skincare, and price is not an issue when it comes to wellbeing. During lockdown, two major concerns were sagging skin and acne. Retinol and Vitamin C were the most requested ingredients. Consumers are no longer interested in beauty buzzwords and overhyped ingredients. They want personalised routines and experts to guide them; they want transparency and results.
Recently, there also has been a significant shift in seeking out industry experts. Social media has been amazing for small niche brands; it means accessing a global audience in an instant. Moreover, customers and brands have instant access to each other. This is amazing phenomenon but it also comes with certain pitfalls. The market has become extremely saturated, and there is an overdose of information and choice. Customers are confused; they do not know where to start. However, one thing is certain; they do not want to be dictated by big business. Instagram has become the platform where a lot of customers buy their beauty products. When we opened our clinical doors this April, we saw a surge in bookings. The most requested treatment was a non-invasive “facelift”, especially for the jowls and neck area. It was an emotional reunion with our clients. As the world becomes more digital, there is a strong desire for human connection, touch and face-to-face conversation rather than online communication. When clients come through our doors, I can see the joy in their faces because they are the centre of attention. They want to be looked after by experts for one hour and want comprehensive treatments.
They want attention and results. Brands, retailers/ stores have to be different and unique to attract customers. The old formula of typical department stores no longer works; customers need an experience, a journey focused solely on their needs. This is exactly what we aim to achieve at Skin Design London. By melding the worlds of prescription and luxury skincare, we are in pursuit of globally innovative formulations and industry firsts.
Our skincare and treatments in-clinic incorporate the best in personalised anti-ageing formulations and technology created to the most exacting specifications. We have cut through the noise of beauty buzzwords and overhyped ingredients to produce a fine-tuned edit of luxury designer cosmeceuticals that delivers glowing and healthy skin.